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Empathic Practices

In metaphysical spaces being "an empath" is one of those titles you'll hear frequently, but empathy is not just for those magically-minded. It is a cornerstone to the foundation of any cooperative space.

What does it mean to show empathy, and how does that differ from being crowned "an empath"?

In my opinion, consistency.

Pop art style image of a woman with her hair in a bun wearing colorful-lensed glasses, against a purple, orange, yellow, and green background

Empaths walk in the emotional shoes of others often to help them keep perspective, sometimes so much so that their (emotional) feet hurt from all those hard miles in strange shoes.

And, sometimes, the shoes of others are the only ones worn by the empath because they don't yet understand how to keep their own on (and even other times, what their own pair even looks like.)

What does your relationship with empathy feel like to you? Would you crown yourself an empath?

When was the last time you showed empathy? When did someone show you empathy last?

How can you stretch and grow your capacity for empathy while remembering to keep your own shoes on, regularly?

A reflective empathic practice such as that is a beautiful addition to any path, whether or not you identify as magical...

(but we know that You ARE The Magic!)

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