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Sympathetic Magic

Sympathy is the state of sharing an emotional feeling/response with another being; so, in other words, Empathy combined with understanding which grew from living through a similar experience.

Therefore, being Sympathetic is the state of an individual engaging in sympathy.

Two people embraced in a sympathetic hug against a purple and orange swirled background. One person has dark hair and an orange complexion and the other has green hair and a purple complexion; both are wearing draped white clothing.

Sympathetic Magic is a term that was first used in 1905, and refers to the concept that a person or thing can be supernaturally influenced by the use of its name or an object representing it (also known as Homeopathic Magic.)

In other words, the person or thing identifies and 'sympathizes' with its name or likeness, meaning the person or thing can/ will react in some manner when the name or likeness is invoked.

An example of this is invoking a deity or energy by calling on its name (like praying to an ancestor, Hecate, a saint, Jesus Christ, or any other figure), and another being the voodoo doll concept which represents a person with an effigy (commonly seen in pop culture, with rich roots in the Voodoo Religion originating in Haiti and Louisiana, USA.)

So, what would be called out at your altar by a devotee trying to divine your wisdom at their place of worship? Is it your birth-given name? Another that you crafted for yourself along the way?

What ideas, words, and symbols do you sympathize with?

Do you prefer single words, simple sentences, or intricate prayers? Does it involve more than just what your devotee can offer? What signs do you like seeing? What items do you truly need and enjoy deeply, all the way down to your marrow?

Write down the flood of thoughts prompted by these questions. Now, soak in the flood.

How does it feel? Do you desire a different experience when presented with questions of this nature? Are you comfortable resting on laurels, ceasing to change from this moment going forward?

No? I didn't think so. Maybe it's time to reassess your sympathies for the sake of needed growth.

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